Russian Dictionary


verb [imperfective]


Description of приходить

Приходить is usually used to talk about coming somewhere on foot. It's also used to talk about the arrival of public transport and mail.



He often comes to visit us.

I come home at 5 o'clock.

They often come to visit us.

They came to the office yesterday.

Have they come yet?

Зачем он приходил?

Why did he come?

My friend came to visit me yesterday.



We're always the last to arrive.

I always arrive on time.

When does the train arrive?

The package hasn't arrived yet.

Nothing has arrived yet.



The economy was going into decline.

Listeners go into raptures about his performance.

Он приходит в бешенство, когда ему врут.

He goes mad when people lie to him.



Some people fall into despair over this.

Present Tense

Он / Она / Оноприходит

Future Tense

Ябуду приходить
Тыбудешь приходить
Он / Она / Онобудет приходить
Мыбудем приходить
Выбудете приходить
Онибудут приходить

Past Tense


Real-life examples for приходить

These examples have been automatically selected and may contain sensitive content that does not reflect our opinions or policies.

Несколько раз он приходил к Людовику с просьбами о помощи.

Several times he came to Louis with requests for help.


Войсковому атаману приходил указ от Военной коллегии о сборе на службу определённого числа полков, и он рассылал наряд по станицам.

A decree from the Military College ordering the collection of a certain number of regiments for service arrived for the military ataman, and he sent a patrol to the villages.


В дни, когда экономика Китая приходила в упадок, число шарпеев резко сокращалось — нужно было думать о выживании людей, а не о прокорме довольно крупных собак.

In the days when China's economy was going into decline, the number of Shar-Pei dogs sharply reduced — it was necessary to think about the survival of people, and not about feeding fairly large dogs.

Александр III в завещании своему сыну Николаю, последнему царю сказал: "Поддерживай Церковь, ибо в трудную минуту Церковь всегда приходила на помощь государству".

Alexander III, in his will to his son Nicholas, the last tsar, said: "Support the Church, because in difficult times the Church has always come to the aid of the state."

RIA Novosti


  • Приходить is an imperfective Russian verb which means ‘come’, ‘arrive’, ‘go’ and ‘fall’.
  • Приходить is usually used to talk about coming somewhere on foot. It's also used to talk about the arrival of public transport or mail and reaching a particular state.
  • As приходить is an imperfective verb, it can be used in the present, past and future tenses.
  • The word приходить is usually transliterated in English as ‘prikhodit'’.
  • Приходить has 9 letters.