Russian Dictionary


verb [perfective]


Description of прийти

Прийти is usually used to talk about coming somewhere on foot. It's also used to talk about the arrival of public transport or mail.



He came to work wearing a suit.

I won't be able to come to your birthday party.

What time will you be coming home?

She came to get advice.



What time did you arrive?

When will the train arrive?

Паром уже пришёл.

The ferry has already arrived.

The letter arrived yesterday.

The parcel hasn't arrived yet.

When should the parcel arrive?

Spring has arrived.

Summer arrived early last year.

Future Tense

Он / Она / Онопридёт

Past Tense


Real-life examples for прийти

These examples have been automatically selected and may contain sensitive content that does not reflect our opinions or policies.

Будущие роялисты ушли из парламента под предлогом нежелания отменить епископат, а в действительности потому, что «если мы установим равенство в церкви, то придем к равенству в государстве».

The future royalists left parliament under the pretext of unwillingness to abolish the episcopate, but in reality because "if we establish equality in the church, we will come to equality in the state."


- Она стыкуется с МЦК, сюда же придет будущая Бирюлевская линия метро.

- It connects with the MCC, the future Biryulevskaya metro line will also come here.

А если возникнут технические проблемы, или вы захотите сделать паузу в обучении, на помощь придет техподдержка.

And if there are technical problems, or you want to take a break in training, technical support will come to the rescue.

«…если вы не придёте мне на помощь, то наперекор мне — предсказываю — войско и с ним вся испанская война перейдут в Италию».

"... if you do not come to my aid, then in spite of me —I predict —the army and with it the entire Spanish war will move to Italy."



  • Прийти is a perfective Russian verb which means ‘come’ and ‘arrive’.
  • Прийти is usually used to talk about coming somewhere on foot. It's also used to talk about the arrival of public transport or mail.
  • As прийти is a perfective verb, it can only be used in the past and future tenses. It can never be used in the present tense.
  • The word прийти is usually transliterated in English as ‘priyti’.
  • Прийти has 6 letters.