--5f5c5a4562c15a1b vary: RSC, Next-Router-State-Tree, Next-Router-Prefetch, Next-Url зайти - Russian Dictionary
Russian Dictionary


verb [perfective]


Description of зайти

The verb зайти is usually used to talk about entering some place on foot.



The teacher entered the classroom.

We entered the house.

They entered the doctor's office.


stop by

I'll stop by your house tomorrow.

Why didn't you stop by?

After work I'll stop by the store.



The sun has already set.

The sun will set soon.

The moon hasn't set yet.



Future Tense

Он / Она / Онозайдёт

Past Tense


Real-life examples for зайти

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Тот, кто зайдет в жилье и плотно закроет за собой дверь во сне, наяву успешно сможет противостоять грехам.

The one who enters the dwelling and closes the door tightly behind him in a dream, in reality will be able to successfully resist sins.

Однако уже осознанным подросткам он зайдёт на «ура» и в ходе такого необыкновенного променада они получат невероятные эмоции.

However, he will come to the already conscious teenagers with a bang and during such an extraordinary promenade they will receive incredible emotions.

Во-первых, находится на территории Кремля, так что заодно вы побываете на древней Соборной площади, зайдете в Успенский собор, где владык государства российского венчали на царство.

Firstly, it is located on the territory of the Kremlin, so at the same time you will visit the ancient Cathedral Square, go to the Assumption Cathedral, where the lords of the Russian state were crowned king.

В душе я надеялся, что сейчас зайду в шахтерскую клеть и через минуту с заложенными ушами окажусь на дне.

In my heart, I hoped that now I would go into the miner's crate and in a minute I would be at the bottom with my ears stuffed up.


  • Зайти is a perfective Russian verb which means ‘enter’, ‘stop by’ and ‘set’.
  • As зайти is a perfective verb, it can only be used in the past and future tense. It can never be used in the present tense.
  • The word зайти is usually transliterated in English as ‘zayti’.
  • Зайти has 5 letters.