Russian Dictionary




have to

I have to get up early.

How many hours do you have to work?

People have to work.

We have to hand in the essay tomorrow.



How much do I owe?

They owe us five thousand.

How much do I owe you for the apartment?


be supposed to

We weren't supposed to work that day.

We were supposed to have an exam yesterday, but it was cancelled.

The festival was supposed to take place in April.



I shouldn't have said that.

You shouldn't have behaved like that.

We should arrive before five.

Short Forms


Real-life examples for должен

These examples have been automatically selected and may contain sensitive content that does not reflect our opinions or policies.

"У меня такая позиция — на рынок Европы не должен поставляться СПГ, произведенный в России", — сообщил Новак журналистам в субботу.

"My position is that LNG produced in Russia should not be supplied to the European market," Novak told reporters on Saturday.

RIA Novosti

"Наркопотребитель ждет сообщения о том, где он должен будет забрать (товар), но даже такого сообщения уже не приходит", — сказал наркополицейский.

"The drug user waits for a message about where he will have to pick up (the goods), but even such a message no longer arrives," said the drug policeman.

RIA Novosti

"Принцип самоначисления говорит о том, что человек должен сам знать о своем имуществе, о том, где, сколько и чего он купил, сколько он заработал, начислить и уплатить налоги", — сказал Мишустин.

"The principle of self—calculation says that a person should know about his property, about where, how much and what he bought, how much he earned, calculate and pay taxes," Mishustin said.

RIA Novosti

"Стиль одежды депутата должен быть либо протокольно-деловым, либо национальным", — говорится в тексте законопроекта.

"The clothing style of a deputy should be either protocol-business or national," the text of the bill says.

RIA Novosti


  • Должен can mean ‘have to’, ‘must’, ‘owe’, ‘be supposed to’ and ‘should’.
  • The word должен is usually transliterated in English as ‘dolzhen’.
  • Должен has 6 letters.