When to use the Dative Case in Russian
The Dative Case is mostly used in the following situations:
- To indicate the indirect object;
- To express feelings and emotions;
- To talk about age;
- To talk about things we need;
- To talk about things we like;
- After certain prepositions.
Let’s take a look at each of these situations one by one.
1) The Dative Case to indicate an indirect object
In Russian, the indirect object of a sentence is indicated by the Dative Case.
An indirect object is usually a person to whom something is given or for whom something is done. For example:
- Peter gives a book to Masha.
In this sentence, the book is given to Masha, so Masha is the indirect object of the sentence.
To express the same idea in Russian, you need to put the word Masha into the Dative Case by adding a special ending to it:
- Питер даёт книгу Маше.
- Маша - Маше
Note that, in all the examples, the dative ending is highlighted in blue. In the next part of the lesson, we will study all the possible endings.
If it’s already clear to you what an indirect object is, feel free to move on to the next part of the lesson.
However, if this topic is still confusing to you, here are some more examples:
- The parents bought ice cream for their son.
Let’s ask ourselves: ‘For whom is the action done?’
For the son, right?
So ‘the son’ is the indirect object and, in Russian, it should be in the Dative Case:
- Родители купили сыну мороженое.
- сын - сыну
One more example:
- I brought food to the dog.
Again, let’s ask ourselves: ‘To whom was the food brought?’
To the dog, right?
So, ‘the dog’ is the indirect object and it should be in the Dative Case:
- Я принёс еду собаке.
- собака - собаке
Now let's move on to the next use of the Dative Case.
2) The Dative Case to talk about feelings and emotions
The way we express feelings and emotions in Russian is different from the way we do it in English.
In English, we make sentences in the following way:
- subject + am / is / are + adjective
For example:
- I am sad.
- The child is bored.
In Russian, however, the structure is:
- noun or pronoun in the Dative Case + adverb
For example:
- Мне грустно.
- (I am sad)
- Ребёнку скучно.
- (The child is bored)
Note that, in the Russian sentences, there is no equivalent of ‘am’ or ‘is’ and the person is in the Dative Case.
3) The Dative Case to talk about age
To say how old someone or something is, you need the following structure:
- noun or pronoun in the Dative Case + age
For example:
- Мне 20 лет.
- (I am 20 years old)
- Ребенку 2 года.
- (The kid is 2 years old)
- Дедушке 70 лет.
- (Grandpa is 70 years old)
4) The Dative Case to talk about needs
To say that someone needs to do something, we use the following structure:
- noun or pronoun in the Dative Case + нужно
For example:
- Мне нужно идти.
- (I need to go)
- Девушке нужно работать.
- (The girl needs to work)
If you want to say that you need something, the form of нужно will change depending on the gender of the thing that you need. In total, there are four forms:
- нужен (used with masculine nouns)
- нужна (used with feminine nouns)
- нужно (used with neuter nouns or verbs)
- нужны (used with plural nouns)
If you don't understand the concept of gender in the Russian language, you can check out our complete lesson on this subject clicking here.
Let's take a look at a few sentences:
- Ей нужен компьютер.
- (She needs a computer)
- Ему нужна помощь.
- (He needs help)
- Нам нужно работать.
- (We need to work)
- Мне нужны деньги.
- (I need money)
5) The Dative Case to talk about likes
To say that someone likes something, we use the following structure:
- noun or pronoun in the Dative Case + нравиться
Note that the verb нравиться has two main forms in the present tense depending on whether the thing you like is singular or plural:
- нравится (used with singular nouns and verbs)
- нравятся (used with plural nouns)
For example:
- Ей нравится этот телефон.
- (She likes this phone)
- Питеру нравится учиться.
- (Peter likes studying)
- Ему нравятся собаки.
- (He likes dogs)
- Мне нравятся кошки.
- (I like cats)
6) The Dative Case after К and ПО
The prepositions к and по are used with the Dative Case. Let's take a look at their common meanings.
- К can be translated as towards or to:
- Вчера я ходил к врачу.
- (Yesterday I went to the doctor)
- Завтра мы поедем к бабушке.
- (Tomorrow we will go to Grandma's)
- ПО means about or on when something is related to a particular subject or area:
- Это учебники по истории.
- (These are textbooks on history)
- Он написал статью по биологии.
- (He wrote an article about biology)
- ПО can also mean along or on when something is moving along some surface:
- Человек идёт по дороге.
- (The man is walking along the road)
- Паук ползёт по стене.
- (The spider is crawling along the wall)
ПО can also mean over, on or by when talking about the means you use to do something:
- Я говорю по телефону.
- (I’m talking on the phone)
- Мы говорим по Скайпу.
- (We talk by Skype)
And these are the main situations in which you need to use the Dative Case in Russian. Now let's learn what endings nouns have in this case.