Russian Dictionary


feminine noun


plural: туфли

Description of туфля

This noun is normally used in the plural. It usually refers to formal shoes, worn by both men and women.



These shoes are very comfortable.

She needs high-heeled shoes.

How much are these shoes?



She usually wears pumps.

Она купила кожаные туфли.

She bought leather pumps.

How much are these pumps?



Real-life examples for туфля

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Лица коленопреклонённого не видно, он изображён в неполный профиль, но облегчение, которое исходит от фигуры, передаётся поникшими плечами и туфлей, спавшей с ноги и лежащей рядом.

The kneeling man's face is not visible, he is depicted in an incomplete profile, but the relief that comes from the figure is conveyed by drooping shoulders and a shoe that has fallen off his foot and is lying next to him.

А вот потерянные туфли означают препятствия на пути к поставленной цели.

But lost shoes mean obstacles on the way to the goal.

В XVII веке его состав был таким — сюртук, белая блуза с жабо и пышными рукавами, камзол, бриджи, чулки и туфли.

In the XVII century, its composition was as follows — a frock coat, a white blouse with a frill and puffy sleeves, a doublet, breeches, stockings and shoes.


День сапожника 2023 в России отмечают на рабочих местах, трудясь и даря вторую жизнь повидавшим виды сапогам и туфлям.

Shoemaker's Day 2023 in Russia is celebrated at workplaces, working and giving a second life to boots and shoes that have seen a lot.


  • Туфля is a Russian noun which means ‘shoe’ and ‘pump’.
  • Its plural is туфли.
  • The gender of this noun is feminine
  • The word туфля is usually transliterated in English as ‘tuflya’.
  • Туфля has 5 letters.